
Sunday, June 2, 2013

Apocalypse Picture Leaks

July is confirmed for a new Apocalypse release by a leak of an image from the July White Dwarf. Of course we had rumors saying it was so, but no it is finally confirmed, and right around the corner. Its an odd leak, since we are not even out of our Eldar Release weekend, but this is big news to have it confirmed this early.

Now an Apocalypose release was also rumored to be alongside a few other releases as well, so those are still unknown at this time. The only breaking news bit, is that Apocalypse is coming our way, and July 6th is its release date.

Here are a link to the leaked pictures.;jsessionid=B2B80146AFF81766B36A419B37E884E6


  1. As if the spacebots didn't have enough things on flying stands....

    Hopefully the plastic Warhound is still coming.


    this is amazing news :D

  3. My reaction to the probably overpriced khorn bot.

    And thanks for the update naftka, you rock!!

  4. One word: fugly. I completely understand dakka community reaction on that trash.

  5. Necrons are over represented model-wise, but those flying monoliths do look pretty cool.

    I'm with everyone else on the Khorne thing, looks awful from that cover photo. But I will say that the 360 view in the digital White Dwarf has made me eat my words plenty of times before, so I'll try to reserve judgment.

  6. Dont forget the GW price increase coming! Just in time :)

  7. Those flying monoliths are damn cool!

    I wonder if they are another rapetastic firepower unit or a support one that carries wraiths. Can't wait another month!!!!

  8. A plastic Warhound would make this Ad-mech fan much more inclined to build a 30k heresy force...

  9. I wonder if it's this, from the leaked list:

    282021211440203 Mechanicus Battle-Servitors / Khorne Caedes Engines PL a14 Len_A 02 cc

    If so, it could double as an imperial kit.

    1. That list has been pretty wrong with the armies that have been updated recently that were on the list. I really hold no faith in it.

  10. I hope they bring more structure to Apocalypse. Many of the people I know don't want to play Apoc because it's too loose and prone to abuse. It's hard to have fun when the guy with the most expensive toys wins.

    1. The best way would be as with the Horus Heresy book, a "lords of war" addition like fortifications.

    2. I can concur with that as it does feel a little who bought the most forgeworld trumps, as I know some guys at my local gaming store who will not play Apocolypse because of that.

  11. Oh that khorne engine looks so cool its a lord of battle I don't everyones grip with it.

  12. My first thought was lord of battle but when I looked up the old deathdealer daemon engine it actually has a lot more in common with that.

    I hope those monoliths are in addition to and not replacements for the old ones with dual builds.

    I'll grab the book for sure but unless there is something more impressive on the release I won't be buying any models.

  13. @Title picture with Tyranids:

    But I like the models, even the Khorne Warmachine.
    I guess the idea is a bit silly, but so is the original concept from days past.

  14. Necron looks great!

    @Natfka: Where can I send rumours to?

    1. Pretty sure his email works... should be able to find it on the site

    2. If you could tell me where that would be awesome. Checked everywhere, but I can't seem to be able to find it...

  15. I love the Khorne thing. Its so old school GW, just a crazy over the top sci-fi, that you'd expect to see on the cover of an Iron Maiden album. Its funny but I love it!

  16. I'm not someone who complains about the look of models very often, but I really don't like the look of that Khorne thing. Reminds me of this guy from Sonic the Hedgehog:

  17. Absolutely loving the Khorne Lord of Battle... yes the photo isn't great, but that was said about the WraithKnight and that is a GREAT model.
    Here is hoping that everyone gets some love with Apoc... it's my favorite form of the game... IMHO if a 40k game isn't at least 100k points it's not a proper game

    1. I will give you credit for a fair point, I must disagree it is more a case of people's dislike of the overall aesthetic of the model as opposed to the model design itself. I'm sure GW will continue building excellent 'models' (being the plastic, building options, and overall easy of assembly) but THIS one, aesthetically leaves you scratching your head.

  18. I think the hobby loving part of me just died slightly. The Khorne thing is kinda "Holy mother of...- AAAAARGH, GET IT AWAY FROM ME..!"

  19. I think Khorne himself facepalm'd when he saw that ugly thing.. Btw, am i the only one who thinks it looks alot like 'sir killalot' from robot wars?

  20. Oooooh, Ouch. I think the Necron stuff hits it out of the park but...ooooh...ouch, that Chaos 'thing' is totally laughable on multiple levels I can't even go into now.

  21. Thank god necrons are finally getting some new units, they're so under played and under supported by gw.

  22. @ Everyone hating on Necrons getting new models.

    While you can complain all you want about Necron flyer-spam in your local meta or whatever the fact is that Necrons still have less units and kits then the majority of other codex's and, for us Necron players who played them from before, we waited nearly ten years for new ANYTHING.

    When the first Apocalypse came out how many new units did Space Marines get? Or Imperial Guard? Or Tau? What did Necrons get? The Pylon. One model.

    So yah, its totally unfair of GW to bring us up to the level of variety nearly every other army enjoys. *rolls eyes*.

    1. Necrons have been taken to a level beyond other armies with both rules and model representation and gw just keeps turning the dial. They are the army made for THAT GUY and it would seem nobody is getting tired of the necron vs necron tournament scene. I can garuntee broken rules for this megalith and a similar meta in apocalypse 2.0. Necron flyer/ super heavy flyer spam. With that being said I hope the khorne lord of war is something chaos players can actually make use of, I enjoy facing them on the table.

    2. I'm not argueing that that their rules don't have issues (that argument boils down to shitty internal balances, Tesla, as a special rule, is severely undercosted so it makes the units with it undercosted, many of the other units are severely overcosted, such as Flayed Ones and Destroyers, coupled with GW's absurd desire to make Flyers overly good, remember that in 5th the Nightscythe was considered a piece of shit).

      What I'm argueing is that Necrons are FINALLY getting a plethora of new kits and units to play with and we older players deserve that. The FW representation for the other armies has always been excellent (except for Sisters, they get perma-shafted), and until a couple months ago with IA 12, Necrons had 2 units. Finally geting some variety is NOT a bad thing.

      Also apparently I live in a buuble of unique awesomeness where people actually know how to play properly because I just did a tournament this weekend (TournamentOP, Calgary Alberta CAnada) and there were 2 Necrons as primaries and two as allies. So I have no idea why the tournament scene elsewere seems to be eternally stuck on Necron flyer-spam. Maybe its because we actually allow Chapter-Approved FW units as standard so people actually have good anti-air options.

  23. I'm really interested whether the Lord of Battles is a combo kit as has been the trend lately - Tower of Skulls as an alternative build is a definite possibility, as are Death Dealer, Blood Reaper and Cauldron of Blood (well a reimagined Doom Blaster is also a possibility, at least it actually had treads). But will it also build Plague Tower or Contagion of Nurgle (unlikely, as even the treads are full of Khornate symbols)? Silver Tower of Tzeentch or Subjugator of Slaanesh might be too different without a complete redesign so will probably have to wait for a separate kit...

    1. Oh good god, if it's a combo kit, i'm going to be broke...

  24. That bug is horrible, always has been stupid looking. Why breed a 60' tall bug then keep its gun 5' off the ground where it can't see any of the things that can see it? The epic biotitans were awesome looking, why change into a deformed grasshopper bred to get its ass shot off?
